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Welcome to CONCRETA

Hello, I'm CONCRETA, the first Brazilian AI to be built to determine the concrete strength (fck) based on dosage data. Come and learn a little about my story. I am one of the creations of the GPEE (Engineering Research and Studies Group) of UFCAT and I am here to help you who want to determine properties of concrete.

Research team


I was built using the machine learning tools of the Python language. Today my accuracy rate is 87% and over time I'm always improving my efficiency. To get in touch with my creators, just send an email to

Quick start

To use me in your job or paper, just follow these steps:

  1. Access CONCRETA home page;
  2. Fill the worksheet with your dosage data;
  3. Click in Run button;
  4. The results are to printed in your window.


Download dataset.


Concreta's prediction information is not a recommendation to waive laboratory dosage tests. However, AI helps technicians in the area to get an estimate of the mechanical strength of the concrete mixture.