This function determines the best, best id, worst particle and worst id. It also determines the average value (OF and FIT) of the population.
best_values(x_pop, of_pop, fit_pop)
Input variables
Name | Description | Type |
x_pop | Population design variables | List |
of_pop | Population objective function values | List |
fit_pop | Population fitness values | List | </table> Output variables {: .label .label-yellow } Name | Description | Type |
best_id | Best id in population | Integer |
worst_id | Worst id in population | Integer |
x_best | Best design variables in population | List |
x_worst | Worst design variables in population | List |
of_best | Best objective function value in population | Float |
of_worst | Worst objective function value in population | Float |
fit_best | Best fitness value in population | Float |
fit_worst | Worst fitness value in population | Float |
of_avg | Average objective function value | Float |
fit_avg | Average fitness value | Float |
Example 1 {: .label .label-blue } Use the `best_values` function to find the best and worst values in the pop array: $\mathbf{x}_0 = \left[1,\;2,\;3\right]$, $of_0 = 10$ and $fit_0 = 0.09$ $\mathbf{x}_1 = \left[4,\;5,\;6\right]$, $of_1 = 5$ and $fit_1 = 0.17$ $\mathbf{x}_2 = \left[7,\;8,\;9\right]$, $of_2 = 8$ and $fit_2 = 0.11$ ```python # Import # pip install metapy-toolbox or pip install --upgrade metapy-toolbox from metapy_toolbox import best_values # or import * # Data xPop = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]] ofPop = [10, 5, 8] fitPop = [0.09, 0.17, 0.11] # Call function bestPos, worstPos, xBest, xWorst, ofBest, ofWorst, fitBest, fitWorst, \ ofAverage, fitAverage = best_values(xPop, ofPop, fitPop) # Output details print("Best position in the population:", bestPos) print("Worst position in the population:", worstPos) print("Best value of X:", xBest) print("Worst value of X:", xWorst) print("Best OF:", ofBest) print("Worst OF:", ofWorst) print("Best FIT:", fitBest) print("Worst FIT:", fitWorst) print("Average OF:", ofAverage) print("Average FIT:", fitAverage) ``` ```bash Best position in the population: 1 Worst position in the population: 0 Best value of X: [4, 5, 6] Worst value of X: [1, 2, 3] Best OF: 5 Worst OF: 10 Best FIT: 0.17 Worst FIT: 0.09 Average OF: 7.666666666666667 Average FIT: 0.12333333333333334 ```