This function mutates a solution using a chaotic maps.
x_i_new, of_i_new,\
fit_i_new, neof = mutation_02_chaos_movement(obj_function,
x_i_old, fit_i_old,
x_lower, x_upper,
n_dimensions, alpha,
n_iter, none_variable=None)
Input variables
Name | Description | Type |
obj_function | Objective function. The Metapy user defined this function | Py function (def) |
x_i_old | Current design variables of the \(i\) agent | List |
fit_i_old | Current fitness value of the \(i\) agent | Float |
x_lower | Lower limit of the design variables | List |
x_upper | Upper limit of the design variables | List |
n_dimensions | Problem dimension | Integer |
alpha | Chaotic map control parameter | Float |
n_tries | Number of tries to find a better solution | Integer |
iteration | Current iteration number | Integer |
n_iter | Number of iterations | Integer |
none_variable | None variable. Default is None. User can use this variable in objective function | None, list, float, dictionary, str or any |
Output variables
Name | Description | Type |
x_i_new | Update variables of the \(i\) agent | List |
of_i_new | Update objective function value of the \(i\) agent | Float |
fit_i_new | Update fitness value of the \(i\) agent | Float |
neof | Number of evaluations of the objective function | Integer |
report | Report about the mutation process | String |
Example 1
Use the mutation_02_chaos_movement
function to generate a new solution from an existing solution. Use the range \(\mathbf{x}_L = [1.0, 1.0]\) and \(\mathbf{x}_L = [5.0, 5.0]\). Consider current solution \(\mathbf{x}_i = [2.0, 2.0]\). Use a \(\alpha = 4\) to control the chaotic map. The total iterations optimization method is 10, and the current iteration is 1.
# Import
from metapy_toolbox import mutation_02_chaos_movement, fit_value # or import *
# Data
xI = [2, 2]
xL = [1, 1]
xU = [5, 5]
d = len(xL)
alpha = 4
nTries = 5
iteration = 1
nIter = 10
noneVariable = None
# Objective function
def objFunction(x, _):
"""Example objective function"""
x0 = x[0]
x1 = x[1]
of = x0 ** 2 + x1 ** 2
return of
# OF and fit value
ofI = objFunction(xI, None)
fitI = fit_value(ofI)
# Call function
xNew, ofNew, fitNew, neof, report = mutation_02_chaos_movement(objFunction, xI, fitI, xL, xU, d, alpha, nTries, iteration, nIter)
# Output details
print('x New: ', xNew)
print('of New: ', ofNew)
print('fit New: ', fitNew)
print('number of evalutions objective function: ', neof)
x New: [1.9506356875187332, 1.9506356875187332]
of New: 7.609959170843362
fit New: 0.11614456934782981
number of evalutions objective function: 5
To check the movement report just apply the following instruction.
# Report details
arq = "report_example.txt"
# Writing report
with open(arq, "w") as file:
Open report_example.txt
Try 0 -> current x = [2, 2], fit best = 0.1111111111111111
Dimension 0: epsilon = 1.0, ch = 0.08857213820471488, chaos value = 1.3542885528188595, neighbor = 1.3542885528188595
Dimension 1: epsilon = 1.0, ch = 0.08857213820471488, chaos value = 1.3542885528188595, neighbor = 1.3542885528188595
temporary move x = [1.3542885528188595, 1.3542885528188595], of = 3.6681949685924016, fit = 0.2142155601314847
fit_i_temp 0.2142155601314847 > fit_pop[pop] 0.1111111111111111 - accept this solution
update x = [1.3542885528188595, 1.3542885528188595], of = 3.6681949685924016, fit = 0.2142155601314847
Try 1 -> current x = [1.3542885528188595, 1.3542885528188595], fit best = 0.2142155601314847
Dimension 0: epsilon = 1.0, ch = 0.3229084581542391, chaos value = 2.2916338326169563, neighbor = 2.2916338326169563
Dimension 1: epsilon = 1.0, ch = 0.3229084581542391, chaos value = 2.2916338326169563, neighbor = 2.2916338326169563
temporary move x = [2.2916338326169563, 2.2916338326169563], of = 10.50317124558936, fit = 0.08693254917711742
fit_i_temp 0.08693254917711742 < fit_pop[pop] 0.2142155601314847 - not accept this solution
update x = [1.3542885528188595, 1.3542885528188595], of = 3.6681949685924016, fit = 0.2142155601314847
Try 2 -> current x = [1.3542885528188595, 1.3542885528188595], fit best = 0.2142155601314847
Dimension 0: epsilon = 1.0, ch = 0.8745543432267644, chaos value = 4.498217372907058, neighbor = 4.498217372907058
Dimension 1: epsilon = 1.0, ch = 0.8745543432267644, chaos value = 4.498217372907058, neighbor = 4.498217372907058
temporary move x = [4.498217372907058, 4.498217372907058], of = 40.46791906784574, fit = 0.024115027290467557
fit_i_temp 0.024115027290467557 < fit_pop[pop] 0.2142155601314847 - not accept this solution
update x = [1.3542885528188595, 1.3542885528188595], of = 3.6681949685924016, fit = 0.2142155601314847
Try 3 -> current x = [1.3542885528188595, 1.3542885528188595], fit best = 0.2142155601314847
Dimension 0: epsilon = 1.0, ch = 0.4388361758798687, chaos value = 2.7553447035194747, neighbor = 2.7553447035194747
Dimension 1: epsilon = 1.0, ch = 0.4388361758798687, chaos value = 2.7553447035194747, neighbor = 2.7553447035194747
temporary move x = [2.7553447035194747, 2.7553447035194747], of = 15.183848870425644, fit = 0.06178999865893456
fit_i_temp 0.06178999865893456 < fit_pop[pop] 0.2142155601314847 - not accept this solution
update x = [1.3542885528188595, 1.3542885528188595], of = 3.6681949685924016, fit = 0.2142155601314847
Try 4 -> current x = [1.3542885528188595, 1.3542885528188595], fit best = 0.2142155601314847
Dimension 0: epsilon = 1.0, ch = 0.9850359464760066, chaos value = 4.940143785904026, neighbor = 4.940143785904026
Dimension 1: epsilon = 1.0, ch = 0.9850359464760066, chaos value = 4.940143785904026, neighbor = 4.940143785904026
temporary move x = [4.940143785904026, 4.940143785904026], of = 48.81004125081233, fit = 0.020076273275194113
fit_i_temp 0.020076273275194113 < fit_pop[pop] 0.2142155601314847 - not accept this solution
update x = [1.3542885528188595, 1.3542885528188595], of = 3.6681949685924016, fit = 0.2142155601314847