
Generates a random population with defined limits. Continuum variables generator.

initial_population_01(n_population, n_dimensions, x_lower, x_upper, seed=None)

Input variables

Name Description Type
n_population Number of population Integer
n_dimensions Problem dimension Integer
x_lower Lower limit of the design variables List
x_upper Upper limit of the design variables List
seed Random seed. Default is None. Use None for random seed Integer or None
x_pop Population design variables List

Output variables

Name Description Type
x_pop Population design variables List

Example 1

Use the initial_population_01 function to generate a new population (five agents) considering the limits \( \mathbf{x}_L = \left[1,\;1,\;2\right] \) and \( \mathbf{x}_U = \left[4,\;4,\;4\right] \).

# Import
# pip install metapy-toolbox or pip install --upgrade metapy-toolbox
from metapy_toolbox import initial_population_01 # or import *

# Data
nPop = 5
xL = [1, 1, 2]
xU = [4, 4, 4]
d = len(xU) # or d = len(xL) or d = 3

# Call function
population = initial_population_01(nPop, d, xL, xU)

# Output details
print('particle 0: ', population[0])
print('particle 1: ', population[1])
print('particle 2: ', population[2])
print('particle 3: ', population[3])
print('particle 4: ', population[4])
particle 0:  [1.679763630698285, 3.6172955870362853, 2.272716703518476]
particle 1:  [1.7091404804584607, 2.7861977360571375, 3.12784521815743]
particle 2:  [3.8768041959498913, 2.3597179996707998, 2.257916149157081]
particle 3:  [3.28170303030217, 1.6049022253423457, 2.3514597264263633]
particle 4:  [2.3113540379524333, 2.020782408543438, 3.9345062171211387]