
This function is responsible for the metaheuristic optimization process. It is a general function that calls the specific algorithm functions.

df_all_reps, df_resume_all_reps,\
            reports, status = metaheuristic_optimizer(algorithm_setup,

Input variables

Name Description Type

Metaheuristic optimization setup. See algorithms documentation for more details. Use the same setup dictionary as the desired optimization method here

general_setup Optimization process setup Dictionary
general_setup keys
'number of repetitions' Number of repetitions Integer
'type code' Type of population. Options: 'real code' or 'combinatorial code' String
'initial pop. seed' Random seed. Use None in list for random seed List
'algorithm' Optimization algorithm. See the available metaheuristic algorithms String

Output variables

df_all_reps All data on the population Dataframe
df_resume_all_reps Best data on the population Dataframe
reports Report about the repetition process String
status Best repetition \(id\) Integer

Metaheuristic algorithms.

Function Name
'hill_climbing_01' Hill Climbing algorithm 01
'simulated_annealing_01' Simulated Annealing algorithm 01
'genetic_algorithm_01' Genetic Algorithm 01

Example 1

Use the hill climbing optimization method to optimize the 2D sphere function. Use a total of 100 iterations to perform the optimization. Consider the limits \(\mathbf{x}_L = [-5.0, -5.0]\) and \(\mathbf{x}_U = [5.0, 5.0]\) for the problem design variables. Use \(cov = 20%\), Gaussian random generator, and random initial guess. Run this complete process 30 times. Consider a population of 10 agents. Use hill_climbing_01 algorithm.

"""Object Function:"""  
def my_function(x, none_variable):
    x_0 = x[0]
    x_1 = x[1]
    of = x_0 ** 2 + x_1 ** 2
    return of
"""Run optimization: or your_problem.ipynb"""
# import libray
# pip install metapy-toolbox or pip install --upgrade metapy-toolbox
from metapy_toolbox import metaheuristic_optimizer
from of_file import my_function # External .py file with your objective function

# Algorithm settings
algorithm_setup = {   
                    'number of iterations': 100,
                    'number of population': 2,
                    'number of dimensions': 2,
                    'x pop lower limit': [-5, -5],
                    'x pop upper limit': [5, 5],
                    'none variable': None,
                    'objective function': my_obj_function,
                    'algorithm parameters': {
                                                'mutation': {
                                                                'cov (%)': 20,
                                                                'pdf': 'gaussian'

# METApy settings
general_setup = {   
            'number of repetitions': 30,
            'type code': 'real code',
            'initial pop. seed': [None] * 30,
            'algorithm': 'hill_climbing_01',

# Run algorithm
df_all_reps, df_resume_all_reps, reports, status = metaheuristic_optimizer(algorithm_setup, general_setup)
 Optimization results: 

 - Best repetition id:  28
 - Best of:             5.3042292250e-16
 - Design variables:    [2.100789251887419e-08, 9.438822723774955e-09]
 - Process time (s):    3.779469


See the details repetition \(id = 0\). df_resume_all_reps contains history details the best particle in \(id = 0\) repetition.


To see all population history in repetition \(id = 0\) use:


See best \(id\) in repetitions:


See best repetition:


See complete report about best repetition:

# Report details
arq = "report_example.txt"

# Writing report
with open(arq, "w") as file: